Carpeted rooms give your home a warm and cozy allure, but keeping those carpets clean and fresh is vital when it comes to providing optimum health for your family. A professional cleaning is often required by major carpet manufactures to maintain the warranty. Regardless of any warranty requirements, carpets harbor too many pollutants not to be cleaned on a regular basis. Read on to learn about how you can have a healthier home with clean carpets.
- There are a few options for cleaning dirty carpets, and steam cleaning is one choice that comes up most often. Here are some things to note about the steam cleaning process and its benefits. It's Not Steam that Cleans the Carpet Although steam is used in a steam cleaner process, it's not actually the steam that is acting on your stains. A steam cleaner works by spraying detergent onto your carpet, and then hot water or steam is used to activate the detergent in the carpet.
- Spring cleaning is often quite daunting for many people because it is such an extensive process. It is possible to make the task less daunting by splitting the tasks over a few days. The following guide walks you through a great way to tackle your spring cleaning in the easiest way possible. Monday – Sort and Toss On Monday, you want to go through your house with a few laundry baskets and trash bags.
- Ensuring that your company's workplace is kept as clean as possible is an important but mundane chore of owning a business. If you fail to keep your office clean, you may find that your workers are more likely to become ill and they may have decreased overall productivity from the distracting environment. For those that may find themselves neglecting this part of managing a company, the following couple of tips can be used to help ensure your office is kept as clean as possible.
- If you operate a small business, you will want to keep the restrooms sanitary so that they will be safe for you, your employees, and customers or clients to use. There are a number of pathogens that can be spread in restrooms, so you will need to know what cleaners are effective against them. Pathogens Found in Restrooms Staphylococcus is commonly found in public restrooms. While the worst it can do externally is trigger a minor skin infection, if it gets into your bloodstream, it can cause significant medical problems.